My Book Picks This Week

Saturday, October 13, 2007

GET OFF THE BENCH - new interactive talkcast covering family court system.

Get Off The Bench, with hosts Lary Holland and Bob Norton every Wednesday (8:30pm) and Sunday Night (8:00pm) Archived shows are available and cover many of the topics that the media refuse to cover or fail to adequately cover about the dysfunctional family court system. Be sure to tune in at and listen to the real news!

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Monday, October 01, 2007

GET OFF THE BENCH IS NOW IN SESSION. Tune in now to get your justice!

GET OFF THE BENCH is a new, interactive, talk internet show that exposes the court employees, judges, cps workers, and other government employees that are involved in playing the family law court game. You can download archived shows, listen live Wednesdays and Sundays at 8:00pm, or participate by logging in today. Tune in now to get your justice!

read more | digg story

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