My Book Picks This Week

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fathers-4-Justice™ U.S. Toledo Ohio Jan 2007

Here is some video from a Fathers-4-Justice rally in Ohio this year. More and more groups are taking a stand for their children to have equal access to both parents.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Michigan has Growing Legal Problems: New ACLU Suit

Michigan is one of only eight states that provide no funding to counties for legal aid to the poor. Even though the Public Defenders aren't funded, Michigan is quick to fund its' Friend of the Court operations, including the 45% over-participation that shouldn't even be in the program in the first place.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Venga a Michigan" - Not on My Dime!

"Venga a Michigan" - Not on My Dime!In response to Jennifer Granholm's plan to bring in more immigrant workers at the expense of State residents: "no en mi moneda de diez centavos" - Not on my dime, Jennifer Granholm.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Want to reduce poverty? Lower those tax rates.

A recent study shows that the states with the highest tax rates are failing in the fight against poverty. The states with the lowest tax rates are reducing poverty. Take Colorado. It reduced its childhood poverty rate by almost 27 percent. Meanwhile, Rhode Island's childhood poverty rate increased by almost the same amount.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Robert Pedersen, Co-Founder of A Child's Right, mentioned in the Liberator!

Robert Pedersen, Co-Founder of A Child's Right, mentioned in the Washington, D.C. based newspaper "The Liberator".The Liberator is a Washington, D.C. based newspaper that is considered to be "the authority" on shared parenting all across the United States. It is published by the ACFC and has a readership estimated at close to 30,000.

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Granholm Wants More of Your Cash: Guest Column Written for MichiganDemocrat

Jennifer Granholm, Michigan's Democrat Governor, has a plan, to take more of your money. Her plan is not to cut government employees like Chrysler's estimated 13,000 cuts to stay solvent, but rather just to tax you more. Holland says cut Friend of the Court Services by half and shift focus of the program back to aid for needy families.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hawaii's Child Support Raises Serious Questions About Focus

The State is obviously overburdened with trying to provide service to the additional 45% caseload that is estimated at being families 150% over the poverty level before even receiving the services. The State should focus on those that actually need services instead of trying to compete for more federal money.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Judge Rules: It's against the law to shoot father in the back over support.

A Federal District Court Judge ruled that it is against the law for an officer to shoot a father in the back for a misdemeanor child support charge. More evidence of a program that is lacking sufficient adminstrative and legal controls, where even the officers have become the executioners of the corrupted legal system.

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The Welfare State: Shredding Society

Government programs have not only created dependency, but have allowed people to escape the social norms that were the result of centuries of successful social behavior. The welfare state put in place a series of incentives that broke people free of the restraints of personal discipline. Before the advent of the full-blown welfare state, an out of

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The Welfare State: Shredding Society

Government programs have not only created dependency, but have allowed people to escape the social norms that were the result of centuries of successful social behavior. The welfare state put in place a series of incentives that broke people free of the restraints of personal discipline. Before the advent of the full-blown welfare state...

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Friend of the Court Problems? There is a new service!

Looks like another breath of fresh air for people that are having problems with Michigan's Friend of the Court. I received a copy of a press release today that indicated there were new online services available, free of charge, for people that are having problems with the various Michigan/County Friend of the Court Offices. I have attached the complete press release below:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Problems with the friend of the court?Earlier last month, a new independent online service was made available to people who are experiencing problems with any of Michigan’s friends of the court and their offices across the state.

This free service was created to increase awareness, and to give more people a stronger voice in sharing their friend of the court experiences with others from anywhere in the world.

The service, available online at, provides people with information on the friend of the court and contains an anonymous online community forum where people can register to discuss any difficulties they are having with their county’s friend of the court.

Registration is free and completely anonymous, and only a valid e-mail address is required to use the community forum services of the website.

If you have questions or are having problems with the friend of the court, please visit; or for more information, please contact the website administrator at:

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