Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Other ways to immediately get involved to make a successful civil rights event!

Other ways to immediately get involved to make a successful civil rights event in Washington DC at Upper Senate Park this year. (August 15 & 16 2008)

1. Watch this website frequently. You will notice “recent posts” on the left hand side of this site on all of the pages. You should view these to determine where you need to spread information to and how to do it. Note that the topic might only say “myspace” and spread the information through myspace. If it says “group” then spread the information to yahoo groups or support groups. Likewise, “media releases” go to general media. Finally, if it is an “official statement” then that answers questions from the top. Spread all the information far and wide.

2. Using social networks is critical. You must send out information from this website so that everyone receives the same information. Sign up at some of the social networks like,, and spread self-authored articles that cover the link You can make all the difference just by getting involved with this. Link into all the forums you have access to!

3. Getting Involved means acting. Talk to everyone about this civil rights issue. Use this site as your resource. Spread information at each of the mini events leading up to the historic DC FESTIVAL 2008.

4. Target any type of site that allows comments about parenting issues, news article sites, and professional organizations. Write your own post and include a link to this website: If you have a blog, be sure to add this site and let us know immediately, we will add you to our list of sponsors when we receive your letter of support described in #6 of this list.

5. Plan to attend the event! If you can’t attend, you can pledge a donation via email to and you will receive a credit card invoice via our secure provider. Send the email with PLEDGE: $#.## in the subject line with the amount you with to pledge. It is that simple and goes a long way if you can’t make the event.

6. Get your letter of support of this national civil rights event faxed whether you are an individual, organization, agency, or association. Support letters should be faxed to 989-764-5920 or emailed with a PDF attachment to Address them to “Write to Parent” 5119 Highland Rd. #229 Waterford, MI 48327. Include your endorsement as well as the focus of your organization. 1-2 pages. These will be delivered with our national messages to all of Congress.

7. Contact organizations that you would like to see at the event! Exhibition tables are extremely reasonable and we are accepting registrations via our toll-free line at 800-883-9619. Organizations can also fly their banners behind their table or in front.

8. Contact political candidates and ask them if they support our national event! The best way to determine if you are going to vote for a candidate is if they believe in the same issues. Make your issue a voter issue! Support letters should be faxed to 989-764-5920 or emailed with a PDF attachment to Address them to “Write to Parent” 5119 Highland Rd. #229 Waterford, MI 48327.

9. Volunteer to help fill a position. Send an email to if you have time to help. Positions are available in a variety of areas. Every person extends the reach of our national event. There is something for everyone to do. Start by doing some of the things listed at this site and report back to

10. Get connected into other groups, organizations, and agencies and spread the word. Network this website and our issues. Simply send copies of our press releases, myspace posts, and more to groups that believe in limited government and protecting parenthood.

There are many other activities that you can assist with. You can subscribe for our weekly conference calls to discuss the issues at this link! Be sure to select DC FESTIVAL 2008 on the check list for announcements.

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