Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Democrats Looking to Repeal Sections of BDRA 2005

Stand Up Today
I wrote the newly sworn in Secretary of the Treasury and the Asst. Secretary Mark Warshawsky today regarding President Bush's remarks on cutting entitlement programs to protect our Social Security.

July 11, 2006

Secretary Henry Paulson VIA FACSIMILE
Office of the Treasurer
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Room 2134
Washington, DC 20220

RE: Democrats seeking to undo Budget Deficit Reduction Act counter productive to stated goals this morning of reducing entitlements.

Dear Secretary Paulson,

Congratulations on your success, becoming the 74th Secretary of the Treasury. I watched this morning President Bushs statements concerning economic policy and reigning in entitlement programs to save our Social Security Fund.

Democrats are working to repeal portions of the Budget Deficit Reduction Act of 2005; in particular they are trying to expand funding for Title IV-D welfare services under the Social Security Act that was previously reduced. This program is unique in that it does not have any eligibility requirements to match Title IV-A (means testing). The States are abusing this program as a tool to create revenue for their States instead of a safety-net for needy families. This program also puts States at odds with each other in trying to force the inclusion of all divorcing families into Title IV-D welfare programs, including the wealthy and middle-class, to drive up participation numbers and thereby obtaining additional reimbursements from the federal government.

We need to cap spending on this program, add eligibility requirements for determined needy families, and save the tax-payers billions of dollars on bloated State Democrat sponsored family management at the expense of public trust.
Congratulations on your success and I look forward to providing any additional information that you may need.

Very Truly Yours,

Lary Holland

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